
If you had never met Abbey, too bad for you!
She is witty, intelligent, determined, silly, fun, helpful
and courageous. She likes to figure things out on
her own.  She stands firm on her own in a debate,
yet she is all girl! She loves to pick out pretty
clothes--looks great in them too--and can accessorize
better than anyone I know!
She loves cookies (no nuts, thank you) and is getting
to be a great baker. She'll also fight you to lick the bowl!
Abbey doesn't need help keeping busy--she can run
the DVD player, draw darn nice pictures and she
stays out of trouble.  The attention she pays to
her pets is impressive--I'll bet she'll have
lots of them once she is on her own.  She doesn't gab on the phone,
but she'll talk to you one on one like any other woman.
She is one fantastic niece.  She lights up any room
with her presence--and can cheer me up on the gloomiest
day--just by being herself. There is no one like her.
There is only one Abbey, and I'm very proud
to have her as my niece!
Did I mention she loves chocolate almost as much as Auntie Chrissy?

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